Saturday, July 23, 2005

The new gods are coming. The last time there were new gods there was war, for the not so old gods were afraid of change. They resisted with all their might, so instead of change and learning there was chaos and pain.
The War, that damned war. Most have forgotten, or remember it falsely. If only Lucent had not listen to the sweet talking Met'ra, but then it could be said that if he had never left his home with Yavay things would have never progressed as far as they did. Hindsight is 20/20, even for my kind. But i digress.
The new gods are coming, I know this now. When will they take their place? I don't know. I have identified a few , natient and immature as they are, and have been surprised by my connection to them.
Am i to be the nexus of the next convergence? Goddess I hope not. I do not need nor want that kind of stress. I am not sure this body could handle it.
The signs are clear. The old ones are making themselves known again. Those of us who remember, recognize the others from the War and the Severance. The various dramas of the multidimensional matrices will soon come to a climax.
I have seen this happen, almost happen, a few times. All the players were not ready then. Are they now? I will have to wait and see.


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